Since the 1940s, management schools and social sciences have viewed enterprise as something more than the sum of its parts. Studies have found that a company does not function as a series of separate, passive, discrete and rigid parts. Rather it is a complex system with behaviours that evolve during the normal course of operations.
The precise form of this evolution is largely determined by the organization itself and the individuals that make up its «creative capital». As such corporate leaders and company owners would benefit to learn how Nature manages its complexity.
Observations reveal Nature to be a creative system. Creation is involved in a dynamic process of increasing complexity where every form is composed of smaller bits (molecules, atoms, sub-atomic particle/waves, energy), and are components parts of larger systems (biology, biosphere, heliosphere, galactic hypersphere and a unified field of Intelligence).
The "whole" manages the bits by establishing conditions for their existence. This is how chaos becomes cosmos and where disorder is organized into "creative order".
Understanding Nature's principles of self-management can allow for the better organization of any enterprise. Nature is managed as a self-created and dynamic process in the sense that the Intelligence of the “whole system” determines how an individual form of life will begin, or end.
When the conditions of the complexity are ripe for a specific form to emerge, it spontaneously does... Like magic.
If necessity is the mother of invention then creative Intelligence is the father. Dramatic examples are all around us: If yeast meets a watery soup of grains and sugars - presto - Alcohol is created; if a sperm meets an egg – presto – Life begins. The start is instantaneous and then the process continues as the evolution of form.
As soon as Earth’s ecology was conducive to life, it began spontaneously: Molecules excited into simple chemicals and then, as more complex organizations emerged and added to the whole, a Planet was formed in the primordial soup and flora and fauna were introduced. And then humans evolved.
Every level is managed by a larger organizing system. The complexity includes a set of specific circumstances in which life can prosper. In there, human capital is called on to empower itself to emerge as creative capital.
Here are Nature's 9 principles of creative self-management:
- Self-creation -- the idea that a complex system's origin is determined by its behaviour, its character and the specific circumstances in which it exists;
- Self-configuration -- the idea that a complex system actively determines the arrangement of its constituent parts;
- Self-regulation -- the idea that a complex system controls the course of its internal transformations;
- Self-steering -- the idea that a complex system actively controls its own course of activity within an external environment;
- Self-preservation -- the idea that a complex system will actively maintain itself - its form and its functionality - over time;
- Self-reproduction -- the idea that a complex system regenerates itself, favours or produces other systems identical to itself;
- Self-reference -- the idea that the significance of a complex system's character or behavior is meaningful only with respect to itself.
- Self-awareness -- the idea that a complex system has a sense of its own character, behaviour and circumstances.
- Self-empowerment – the idea that a complex system that is self-aware can change its behaviour, character and circumstances.
Life spontaneously begins when the conditions are right and it will extinguish when they no longer are. This “self-creation” aspect of Nature’s management principles is an amazing fact that can empower us.
It guarantees that, if we put in place the component parts needed for success, then presto…we will succeed. This offers humanity great hope but because understanding FOLLOWS experience, human capital must grow in order to claim its creative capital.