Life on Earth depends on a fragile set of conditions that give a large role to climate and ocean cuurents. Oceans cover 71% of the surface of this Biosphere and yet we've explored less than 5% of their depths. A scant few hundred million dollars have been allocated to Ocean research - even if its' our most important natural resource - versus bllions allocated to exploring the planet Mars. But our oceans are under unparalleled attack. Industry, ignorance and greed have combined to endanger our life-systems and we don't even understand the immenseness of the problem yet. Under the Oceans, mountain ranges higher than the Rockies sit on a mantel that is littered with cracks and fissures. They ooze sulphuric fire that seem from the forges of hell. Icy cold and fiery hot currents mix chemical streams under pressure and give birth to an incredible diversity of life forms. We know that the oceans house 100 times more creatures than found on land. Each of them has an awesome story to tell... a story of adaptation, strategy and innovation. Learning the rules of ecology, they have self-organized, survived and prospered since the beginnings of biological time. Adjust the sound on the video, select the screen size and start the film.